Call for Tutorials
The 2024 edition of IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) Conference, will be held in Tokyo, Japan, during December 8-11, 2024.
The Organizing Committee of VCIP 2024 invites proposals for tutorials as a part of the main conference program. Selected tutorial will be held on the first day of the conference (December 8). Tutorials addressing topics of relevance to the conference and interest to the broader visual communications and image processing community are encouraged.
Proposal Format
Tutorial proposals should be in PDF format and include the following information:
- Title
- Presenters: Names, affiliation, contact information (email and postal address), and a short bio for each presenter.
- Description: A description of the tutorial topic, providing the scope and depth of the tutorial, along with a tutorial outline.
- Expected audience: The background of the target audience needed and the anticipated number of attendees.
- Recent publications: Recent publication list relevant to the tutorial topics from the speakers in the past 3-5 years.
- Relevance: Addressing the importance and timeliness of the proposal, and its relevance to the conference as well as researchers and engineers.
- Previous editions: If the tutorial was given before, indicate where and when, and if and how it will be modified for VCIP2024.
- Presentation material (optional): It is encouraged to provide a draft of presentation material (to be distributed to the tutorial participates) for review.
Please submit your proposal via email
Important Dates
End of Day, Anywhere on Earth
- Deadline: 24 May 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 3 June 2024